Saturday, November 13, 2010


I just returned from a one week stay in Venice- a city like no other; a city referred to as "the most beautiful in the world".

You quickly adjust your way of looking... you are in another reality in a sense...

Venice simply embodies grace and beauty everywhere in everything. From the street lights to the shop signs to the painted doorways and the ornate brass buzzers on all the apartment entrances to the filigreed grillwork on the most humble of windows...

We are incredibly lucky to have a close friend who had the courage to buy a flat here. It has become her 'go to' place several times a year. (she rents it out during the rest of the year). We stayed with her and were able to get a real feel for the place through her eyes. Shopping for fresh produce on the barge that parks on the canal by her flat, buying cheese at the local deli and eating pizza at the small restaurant right in front of her place was, well. heaven...

I will continue to post on Venice throughout the week... opera, galleries, special exhibits and amazing food... oh my, the food- thank goodness we walked for miles every day!


The Vintage Cabin said...

Wow, I'm still jealous that you went to Venice! It looks amazing. I've only ever been in the south end of Italy (Sorrento/Rome/Capri) and the north appeals to me WAY more. I look forward to the rest of your pictures. :) Welcome back!

FoundVintageStyle said...

thanks b-
like I said, it's like no other place on earth... sensory overload!